New Officer Roundup – Lieutenant Sarah Braye, Saint John

by Maritime
Categories: News Archive

    Summer at The Salvation Army brings with it a number of new beginnings as officers around the country transfer to new appointments. Here at the Maritime Division we are welcoming nine new officers in five different locations. Here is our fourth instalment in a five-part series introducing you to them.

    Can you tell me a little about your background?

    I grew up in The Salvation Army. I was the child of officers, so I moved a lot and I’ve had a lot of experiences in different corps ministries and social service facilities. I’ve lived in a lot of places; Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta and Newfoundland, among others.

    How was your time at the College for Officer Training (CFOT)?

    I really enjoyed my two years at the CFOT. I embraced the journey, and God was really good to me while I was there.

    How did it feel to graduate?

    It was a little bit of a relief, because in school you’re sitting in class, and you’re learning about the stuff that you need to know, but to be out in the community and to actually apply what I learned is really nice. We learn a lot, and it feels nice to be able to use it.

    Do you have any previous experience in Saint John?

    I do not. I’ve never lived in the Maritimes. It’s refreshing actually, to be somewhere that I’ve never lived. I love the ocean, so I was really glad when they gave me my appointment and I knew the ocean was close by. It’s beautiful here.

    What are some things you like to do in your free time?

    I like to read, watch movies and play video games. One of my favorite books is To Kill A Mockingbird. I read a lot of Christian books also; one of my favorites is Crazy Love by Francis Chan

    If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

    I love superheroes. I always wanted to change the world, but I guess that’s not really a superpower. I choose the power of invisibility. I want to be out there helping people, but I don’t like to be in the spotlight. So this way, I could help people but no one would know it was me.

    Who is your role model?

    My mom is my role model. She is a very strong woman. She’s been through a lot, but she has never lost her faith in God.

    What are your hopes and goals for this appointment?

    I hope I’ll see some church growth and lots of children and youth come back to the church

    What’s a fun fact about you?

    I love Batman. It’s a little bit of an obsession.