Salvation Army Haiti Earthquake Relief: Update 11

by The Salvation Army in Canada
Categories: Newswire

The Salvation Army continues to bring healing and hope to the people of Haiti that were affected by the January 12, 2010 earthquake.

More than 4 million meals have been given out in Port-au-Prince, where The Salvation Army has responsibility for 20,000 people living in temporary shelters. But throughout Haiti, food items continue to be distributed to small towns, churches, schools and in other locations.

Numana, Inc., (an international hunger relief organization with the mission of empowering people to save the starving), meals continue to be prepared and packaged for distribution in Haiti. After the meals are packaged, The Salvation Army World Service Organization (SAWSO) arranges for shipment to Haiti for weekly distribution. Each packet given out contains a meal for five people.

In Haiti, the skies open up starting in May and rain continues for several months. The Salvation Army continues to care for those in tents occupying the soccer field next to the Army complex. In addition plastic sheeting and tarpaulins are being distributed to families to help protect them from the rains.

In order to accommodate ongoing arrival of incoming supplies, The Salvation Army has secured a larger warehouse with appropriate security. The warehouse will provide needed space for supplies of basic human needs as well as the arrival of supplies that will be used for building 5,000 transitional shelters planned for Jacmel, Petit Groave and Port-au-Prince.

The Salvation Army will be heavily and closely involved in rebuilding Haiti well past the conclusion of the current emergency situation.