Salvation Army Commences Work in United Arab Emirates

by The Salvation Army in Canada
Categories: Newswire

On June 1, 2010, The Salvation Army will officially commence its work in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This will bring the number of countries where the Army operates to 121.

Less than two years ago, The Salvation Army’s work began officially in neighboring Kuwait. Then, exploration started with regard to the possibility of extending the Army’s ministry into the UAE. An invitation was extended for the Army to plan a Christmas carol service in Dubai and this was attended by hundreds of people. Meetings then commenced in rented property in Sharjah

Working in cooperation with other churches, The Salvation Army’s legal presence in the UAE is growing. Residency permits have been obtained for officers/pastors, and rented premises have been secured for regular meetings in both Sharjah and Abu Dhabi, where significant groups of Tamil-speaking Salvationists live.

The Salvation Army is also developing its relationships with prominent members of the government, diplomatic and legal communities in the UAE. Together with the formation of an advisory board, these steps will help ensure that The Salvation Army becomes part of daily life in the Middle East.