Cadillac Fairview and The Salvation Army Agree to Let Bells Ring During the Holidays

by The Salvation Army in Canada
Categories: Newswire

Cadillac Fairview and The Salvation Army will announce today a decision to allow the Salvation Army’s kettle bells to ring at all of the company’s shopping centres during the holidays.

The decision comes following discussions between Toronto Eaton Centre and The Salvation Army, and to reaffirm support for the seasonal fundraising initiative.

“We have had a mutual agreement with the Salvation Army for eight years now,” said Susan Allen, General Manager, Toronto Eaton Centre. “Today, given the public’s support for the return of the bells, we believe the timing is right to reintroduce them to our shopping centres.”

“The non-ringing of the bells was really never an issue,” said Captain John Murray, spokesperson for The Salvation Army. “We have always received great support from Cadillac Fairview and are excited about continuing our partnership for many, many years.”

WHO: Cadillac Fairview and the The Salvation Army

WHEN: Sunday, December 5, 2010
, 3:00 p.m.

WHERE: Toronto Eaton Centre – Trinity Way (across from the Sears entrance, 3rd floor)

For more information and/or interview requests: Kelly Olive 
MAVERICK PR (for Toronto Eaton Centre) 
647-938-6407 (mobile)