The Fight against Poverty Deserves Your Personal Attention

Today, approximately three million Canadians, or one in 10 people, live in poverty.
– Poverty is a life circumstance whereby a person lacks the resources, means, choices and power needed to survive and participate in society.
– The effects of poverty are quite serious:
-It requires people to make painful choices between necessities, such as paying the rent or feeding the kids, going to the dentist or buying a monthly bus pass.
– It often leads to hunger or unhealthy eating, poor health, interrupted schooling, homelessness or poor quality housing, substance abuse, crime, violence and despair.
– Those who experience poverty have a shorter lifespan, and often suffer physically and emotionally
– Those who live in poverty often require higher than average use of publicly funded programs like welfare, hospitals, police and correctional services which increases taxes.
– The Salvation Army is passionately committed to eradicating poverty and caring for people who are struggling. The Salvation Army is working to address the dehumanizing scourge of poverty and injustice and educate the public about what it means to live in poverty – and what they can do to help.

The Salvation Army is working to eradicate poverty and care for people in need

The Salvation Army is an international Christian organization that began its work in Canada in 1882 and has grown to become the largest non-governmental direct provider of social services in the country. The Salvation Army gives hope and support to vulnerable people today and every day in 400 communities across Canada and more than 125 countries around the world. The Salvation Army offers practical assistance for children and families, often tending to the basic necessities of life, providing shelter for homeless people and rehabilitation for people who have lost control of their lives to an addiction.

More than 1.85 million people were helped by The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda last year.

Addictions, Rehabilitation & Shelter
– 5,650 shelter, addictions and mental health beds provided each night for vulnerable men, women and families
-585 people completed addictions and rehabilitation programs
– 3.2 million meals served
Community Churches
– 312 community churches
Community & Family Services
– 1,337,000 persons assisted with food, clothing or practical assistance
– 3,850 children went to Salvation Army camps
-14 Daycare centres provided a total of 1,008 available spaces
Emergency Disaster Services
– 9,800 people helped when disaster struck
Hospice, Health & Long Term Care
– 119 hospital bed provided
– 1,040 long-term care and supportive housing beds provided
-· 40 hospice beds provided
Work in Developing Countries
– 161 projects in 38 countries
– 3,562 Sponsored Children and Programs
– 23 Canadian personnel servicing outside Canada

The public believes that poverty is an important issue

Do you ever wonder what the average Canadian thinks about poverty? More than 1.85 million Canadians receive help each year from The Salvation Army. One third of the funding comes from a very generous and supportive public. Contributions are received in the Christmas Kettles, by letter appeals, school fund-raisers, church bake sales, internet donations….many people contributing in many ways to help make a difference in the lives of fellow Canadians who need a helping hand. It takes a lot of concerned citizens to make a difference! It's worth knowing what they think.

The Salvation Army regularly conducts research through public opinion polling to understand what the public thinks about issues of poverty. The Salvation Army uses this information to inform the public about the issues facing vulnerable and marginalized Canadians, and debunk myths about poverty in Canada. Recent reports are available here (put link to "debunking myths about poverty in Canada" and "Canada Speaks").

Here is a brief summary of recent research:
– Canadians believe that poverty is the third most important issue facing the country, behind the economy and health care.
– The Salvation Army is recognized as the charity most associated with helping homeless people and families in need amongst all other Canadian charitable organizations.
– One in nine Canadians believe that people living in poverty deserve a helping hand
– One in eight Canadians believe that helping out poor families helps set up children of these families for success
– The majority of Canadians believe that poverty is a problem that we can do something about

Reason why you should support The Salvation Army

-The Salvation Army has a proven track record that goes back almost 130 years in Canada. It has now become one of the world's largest providers of social services.
– The Salvation Army helps one person at a time, believing that each person is infinitely valuable and equally worthy.
– Social and community service programs focus on nurturing the capacities, skills and strengths of individuals rather than just giving them a hand out.
– The Salvation Army is present in 400 communities throughout Canada and more than 125 countries around the world, offering service in 175 different languages. When disaster strikes, the Army is often already there living in the community and is able to provide immediate aid and relief in the most culturally relevant way. It also means the Army will still be there long after the immediate needs have been met.
– As an international Christian church that welcomes everyone, The Salvation Army's faith motivates its social programs. Donations from the public at large, which includes money from individuals, foundations, corporations and all levels of government, are used for community and social service programs.
– All social and community services are equally available without discrimination.
– The Salvation Army works through a large quasi-military organizational model, that includes volunteers, committed members of The Salvation Army, its officers and staff. There is no organization that can more readily mobilize itself where and when the need is greatest.
-The Salvation Army has adopted Imagine Canada's Ethical Fundraising & Financial Accountability Code. In doing so, the Army undertakes to adhere to the standards set out in the Code in its treatment of donors and the public, its fundraising practices and its financial transparency, and to be accountable for doing so. (link to Ethical Code)
– The Salvation Army is managing its administrative and fundraising costs in a reasonable manner given the size and scope of the organization, in order to provide the best programs and services that deliver transformative outcomes for the people we serve. (link to annual review)
– All funds donated to The Salvation Army are used by The Salvation Army, or agencies of which it is a member.