Territorial Prayer Focus

A Cross sitting on a hill as the the sun rises behind
by The Salvation Army in Canada
Categories: Divisional News

As the Congress and Commissioning Weekend approaches, we ask that you join us in prayer for the upcoming weeks.

We need and invite God’s people to:

Pray that all the congress and commissioning events will be characterized by joy as people celebrate God’s faithfulness and calling.

Pray that the Good News of the Gospel is proclaimed clearly in all its beauty and wonder.

Pray that the Holy Spirit touches people’s lives and that they will respond to the presentation of the gospel.

Pray for the venue, that the lighting, sound and set up will effectively enhance the events of the weekend.

Pray for the people on the periphery of commissioning–those that will be in the hotel and conference centre- -that they might be drawn positively to the people that they encounter over the course of the weekend.

Pray for each of the participants as they share in ministry–for strength, courage, wisdom and discernment. Remembering in particular, our Territorial and Divisional leaders and the CFOT community.

Pray for Gather Under the Big Top event and for people from the community to be drawn to hear and receive God’s blessings.

Pray for the Evangelism Lunch & Learn event and guest teacher, Merv Budd.

Pray for the safety of the cadets, their families and all who attend as they travel for the commissioning weekend.

Pray that the new Lieutenants will be strengthened and encouraged by the worship and celebration that will mark the weekend and confident as they head to their new appointments.

Pray for the cadets as they engage with potential/prospective candidates at the Candidate’ reception.

Pray that God confirms the call to officership in the lives of those who are exploring it.

Pray for the children’s program, CO-Mission-ING and for the children who will participate.

Pray the plans in place to establish a Divisional Evangelism Team, that they would come to fruition and celebrated.

Pray for the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit of God in the lives of all those who will gather-give-go from the weekend; that lives would be challenged by the gospel, consecrated for the sake of the gospel and committed to sharing the gospel with others.