Escape to Canada

Posted on 30th June 2014, by
Bona Zoto was distraught. A refugee from Albania, she had no family or friends in Canada, and no home save for a cot at The Salvation Army women’s shelter in Toronto. What meagre possessions she brought with her had just been stolen and now she literally had nothing. “I sobbed for three days straight,” she  […]

Kim’s Courage to Find Hope

Posted on 29th May 2014, by
Kim leans on The Salvation Army for support
Just six months into her marriage, Kim made excuses for black eyes, broken bones and missing teeth. A few years later her little boy died—and his father was responsible. How did it all go wrong? Kim’s parents weren’t family oriented. As a child she received no hugs or cuddles, protection or guidance. Home was a  […]

Two Mothers Overcome Barriers to Employment Success

Posted on 22nd April 2014, by
For many single parents, working is essential. But for Pam (not her real name) and Laura, barriers such as depression and lack of child care interfered with their ability to retain employment. When meeting expenses became increasingly difficult, they had to bring money in. But re-entering the workforce after many years away was frightening. The  […]

Bri-Jon Gives Back to The Salvation Army

Posted on 23rd February 2014, by
After personally receiving help and volunteering with The Salvation Army’s Bayside Mission in Barrie, Bri-Jon now works helping deliver some of the same services he once used.
Categories: Video

How a New Immigrant Found Acceptance and Belonging

Posted on 17th February 2014, by
The journey from Sudan to Winnipeg was long for Binyam and his family. In 2010 the family of seven came to Canada for better access to education and economic opportunities. But in their new country they faced fears, challenges and anxiety. Had they made a bad decision? “Starting over was hard,” says Binyam, 16. “Sometimes  […]

At the End of My Rope

Posted on 10th February 2014, by
The September morning I pulled into The Salvation Army’s Parent-Child Resource Centre (PCRC) parking lot in Kitchener, Ont., was one of the worst in my life. I had put my two young sons in the van beside their newborn sister and driven around. Their dad was at home coming off of his 12th gruelling round  […]

Salvation Army Helps Steven Mend His Way

Posted on 9th February 2014, by
Steven found himself out of work and using a Salvation Army food bank. After a few visits he learned of the Army’s knitting group that not only helps him mend his clothes but provides counselling and fellowship as he puts his life back together.
Categories: Video