Sleep Country Canada Launches Seventh Annual Backpacks for Kids Drive

Categories: Feature

On August 1, 2011, Sleep Country Canada launched its annual Backpacks for Kids program just in time for back-to-school. Backpacks for Kids runs from July 21 through August 31, 2011, supporting children in grades one through seven who can’t afford new school supplies.

Canadians are encouraged to drop off new backpacks filled with school supplies at local Sleep Country stores. Donations will be distributed to local children through The Salvation Army.

“Back-to-school shopping can be an exciting time, but many Canadians cannot afford the school supplies that their children need,” says Christine Magee, president, Sleep Country Canada. “With Backpacks for Kids, we are happy to have the opportunity to give back to the communities we operate in.”

As a result of last year’s Backpacks for Kids campaign, more than 1,100 filled backpacks were distributed by The Salvation Army to deserving children and participating schools across Canada.

“A simple backpack filled with school supplies can make the difference to a child who can begin the year with dignity, and an equal opportunity to succeed,” says Graham Moore, Territorial Secretary for Public Relations & Development. “The Salvation Army is pleased to partner with Sleep Country Canada as we strive to encourage Canadians to help thousands of children prepare for a new school year.”

Members of the community are invited to fill new backpacks with school supplies such as non-toxic markers or crayons, notebooks, geometry sets, dictionary/thesaurus, pencils, erasers, pencil cases, highlighters, glue/glue sticks, educational workbooks, duotangs, flashcards, paper, scissors and tape.

Sleep Country Canada will promote the Backpacks for Kids program through in-store displays, website reports and radio advertising. Canadians can visit any of Sleep Country’s 142 locations to drop off new backpacks filled with school supplies.

About The Salvation Army:

The Salvation Army is an international Christian organization that began its work in Canada in 1882 and has grown to become the largest non-governmental direct provider of social services in the country. The Salvation Army gives hope and support to vulnerable people today and every day in 400 communities across Canada and more than 120 countries around the world. The Salvation Army offers practical assistance for children and families, often tending to the basic necessities of life, providing shelter for homeless people and rehabilitation for people who have lost control of their lives to an addiction. When you give to The Salvation Army, you are investing in the future of marginalized and overlooked people in your community.

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Media Contact:
Andrew Burditt
National Director of Marketing and Communications
The Salvation Army