Annual Review

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Response

Posted on 10th March 2023, by
word cloud for human trafficking
As part of the global community, Canada and Bermuda is seeing too many people experiencing modern slavery and human trafficking (MSHT) within our borders. While there are people in our communities not experiencing freedom, The Salvation Army will not stop until there is freedom for all. “For us, it has been a year of learning  […]

Real Help for Deep Hurt

Posted on 16th September 2013, by
One day she was married. The next day she was a widow, alone and grieving. Sandra thought she’d never cope through her nightmare or find ways to make the pain more bearable. “My husband’s long downward spiral with cancer was the hardest thing I’ve ever watched unfold,” says Sandra. After 50 years of marriage Sandra’s  […]

A Place for Healing

Posted on 16th September 2013, by
“My life was out of control when I showed up on the doorstep of The Salvation Army’s Caring Place in Maple Ridge, B.C. , “ says Al. “Using hard drugs was my way of dealing with pain caused by the sudden and brutal death of my 23-year-old son. “I was broken, desperate and looking for  […]

Determined to Rebuild

Posted on 16th September 2013, by
Ben was two years old when his family fled Afghanistan for Russia. A few years later, following the death of his father, the Ghiyasi family moved to Canada in the hopes of a better life. The transition wasn’t easy and, while they managed to access some services, it was The Salvation Army Barbara Mitchell Resource  […]

Bringing Chaos Under Control

Posted on 16th September 2013, by
The birth of Tanya’s twins was a traumatic event.  Then, her marriage broke down.  Tanya was left with responsibilities she now had to bear on her own, and questioning how she would ever cope. Hope and Faith As she prepared herself for the challenge of having twins, Tanya learned of serious prenatal complications. Twin to  […]