Brazilian Government Asks Salvation Army to Join Relief Efforts

by The Salvation Army in Canada
Categories: Newswire

The Brazilian Government’s Civil Defense Authority (CDA) has asked The Salvation Army to provide emergency relief to the victims of the floods and mudslides that have killed more than 500 people in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The disaster is the worst of its type in Brazil’s history.

Salvationists and volunteers will provide physical, emotional and spiritual relief in areas designated by the CDA. Access to the three affected towns, between 60 kilometres and 130 kilometres from the city of Rio de Janeiro, is difficult with a number of roads destroyed by the mudslides.

Collection points where food and other necessary supplies can be donated are being established in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

The Salvation Army’s Territorial Communications Director for Brazil, Major Teofilo Chagas, is coordinating the Army’s response.

Volunteers from the community service organization Rotary are assisting The Salvation Army in its relief effort.