10 Tips for Thrift Store Shopping

by SalvationArmy.ca
Categories: Blog

People shop at thrift stores for a number of reasons. Here’s how to find your next thrift store score:
1. Watch for bargain days, discounts and clearance racks.
2. Shop the night before a sale. The store is almost empty and the shelves are stacked.
3. Shop on Monday and Tuesdays. Most donations come in during the weekend.
4. Thrift shops get new items every day. Return regularly.
5. Look for hidden potential in items. Would an item be stunning after you clean it or fix it up a bit? Think of what it could be, not just what it is.
6. Be prepared to dig through aisles and jammed-full racks.
7. Pile it in the cart, decide later.
8. Don’t be afraid to buy used – thrift stores are now more socially acceptable than ever.
9. Gravitate towards shops off the beaten track. Items may be less picked over.
10. Get to know the employees. They can give you a heads up when good things come in.

About Salvation Army Thrift Stores
By operating successful thrift stores, The Salvation Army generates funds for its vital, wide-range of services and programs it offers across Canada. It addition, the recycle and reuse of otherwise unused and discarded clothing and household goods diverts millions of pounds of waste from landfills.