The Travesty at the Oscars

by British Columbia
Categories: Uncategorized

What a travesty at the Oscars last night! And no, I'm not talking about the ‘Best Picture’ mixup; I'm talking about #MeanTweets.
Wasn't it just a week ago that we rallied together as communities, kids and parents, teachers and students, corporations and staff in support of #PinkShirtDay and anti-bullying initiatives? And now less than 7 days later we are swept up in the fever of this #MeanTweets trending topic on Social Media.
Before you come to the defense of this so-called harmless and playful notion, let’s not forget our culture’s predisposition toward Narcissism these days. Our insatiable appetite for recognition in this Social Media frenzied world we live in leads us into the misguided, endless pursuit of the most ‘friends’, retweets, shares and likes in this anything but social phenomenon.
In our unending pursuit of notoriety and to be the famed creator of the coveted #TrendingTopic, are we not prone to draft the most sensational post; the more controversial the better? But it’s all just in fun, right?
Do you remember that old saying we used to shout in response to those who would spit names at us when we were kids? ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.’ What trash.
Names can hurt and hurt deeply. We all know this to be true.
Let’s dare to be different. Let’s put the phones and electronic devices down and purposefully seek out authentic, face to face relationships and conversations with the people around us. Let’s strive to be a community of support for one another. Let’s talk at the dinner table; let’s visit someone who struggles with loneliness; let’s mentor, or coach, or volunteer; and let’s continue to encourage our kids and each other to make right choices for right reasons.