Annual Review 2011-2012

Facts & Figures

Addictions, Rehabilitation and Shelter

6,340 shelter, addictions, detox and mental health beds provided each night for vulnerable men, women and families
2,040 people completed addictions and rehabilitation programs
2.8 million free meals served

Community Churches

314 community churches

Community and Family Services

1.3 million persons assisted with food, clothing or practical assistance
4,506 children went to Salvation Army camps
18 daycare centres provide a total of 1,008 available spaces

Emergency Disaster Services

20,835 people helped when disaster struck

Hospice, Health and Long-Term Care

200 hospital beds provided
1,130 long-term care and supportive housing beds provided
40 hospice beds provided

Work in Developing Countries

147 projects in 28 countries
39 Salvation Army officers and lay personnel serving outside Canada


817 active Salvation Army officers
929 retired Salvation Army officers
9,217 employees
1.1 million volunteer hours provided

Click here for a downloadable PDF of the 2011/12 Consolidated Financial Statements.