Commissioners Brian and Rosalie Peddle Visit Southern Alberta

by Alberta
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    On Thursday, April 17, 2014 Territorial Leaders, Commissioners Brian & Rosalie Peddle arrived in Calgary to celebrate Easter and tour southern Alberta.

    The first stop on their journey was a meeting with the Calgary Advisory Board, followed by a tour of the Public Relations & Development Office, and the Barbara Mitchell Family Resource Centre. Staff enjoyed a time of fellowship and refreshments.

    On Good Friday, Salvationists and friends from around Calgary gathered at Glenmore Temple where the choir set the tone for the service with the selection “Jesus Keep me Near the Cross”. The focus of the service was “The Son of God” with excerpts from the recent movie by Mark Burnett. The music, scripture, and narration spoke of “The Saviour of the World”, “The Son of God”, “Man of Sorrows”, and “Lamb of God” with Commissioner Brian bringing a message from John 19:16-27 “The Via Dolorosa (the Lamb of God)”.

    Friday evening was spent with youth from around Calgary. Commissioners Peddle and Divisional Officers joined with the youth for a time of food and fellowship, followed by an inspiring time of worship led by Emily Loveless of Glenmore Temple and a devotional by Commissioner Rosalie. Commissioner Brian then engaged in an open forum with the youth to talk about any issues of concern for them.